- Medical Liability Mutual Insurance Company is a leader in the medical malpractice insurance industry and has been meeting the professional liability needs of healthcare professionals for 40 years.
- MLMIC’s mission is to provide quality professional liability insurance to physicians, dentists, hospitals and other healthcare professionals at the lowest possible cost consistent with fiscal responsibility.
- As a mutual company, MLMIC’s policyholders are owners, with full voting rights to elect the company’s Board of Directors, thereby having direct input into vital areas of operation.
- MLMIC is, and has always been, a strong advocate for the healthcare community and has effectively lobbied for legislative reform to address those issues that continue to plague healthcare professionals.
- MLMIC stands behind its philosophy to aggressively defend and resist any payment for groundless claims and to swiftly and equitably compensate claimants with meritorious claims.
- Since its inception, MLMIC has successfully defended more New York physicians than any other New York insurer, a fact held in high regard by New York’s legal community.
- MLMIC is not only the largest writer of medical professional liability insurance in the State of New York, but also one of the largest companies of its kind in the nation.
- Medical Liability Mutual Insurance Company offers coverage on either a claims made or occurrence basis.
- Occurrence Form:
In accordance with the terms and conditions of the MLMIC policy, coverage is provided for claims arising from your professional services rendered during the policy period regardless of when the claim is reported. - Claims Made Form:
In accordance with the terms and conditions of the MLMIC policy, coverage is provided for claims arising from your professional services rendered on or after the retroactive date specified in your policy and before the end of the policy period which are first reported while your policy is in effect or during an extended reporting period.
- Occurrence Form:
- In response to the individual needs of its insureds, MLMIC offers a variety of unique coverages, discounts, and endorsements to its standard coverage for physicians and surgeons.
- MLMIC offers coverage for hospitals and facilities and continues to be a leader in the New York market as one of the few admitted carriers. In addition to the comprehensive coverage we have traditionally offered, our hospital and facility insureds are also able to take advantage of the many risk management and claims management services.
- MLMIC offers medical liability insurance for a wide range of healthcare employees.
For additional information, visit MLMIC.com or call (800) 635-0666.
Media Reports Growing Concerns Over New York’s Medical Malpractice Market
In early April, there were two big media stories related to the possibility of significant changes in New York’s medical malpractice market. The first, “Growing concern over shifts in N.Y. medical malpractice market,” appeared in Politico New York. The second, “New York medical malpractice insurer PRI struggles, but owner insulated,” was published in the Albany Times Union (to access it click on the proper headline here). In tandem, the story they both tell about industry shifts may cause some worry among physicians, hospitals and dentists – and that’s certainly understandable.
Standing apart in this environment, as noted in the reporting, MLMIC’s finances remain strong. Certainly the kind of industry news that’s in the spotlight right now affects the marketplace, and that’s exactly why we have always emphasized the importance of responsible fiscal policy (see, for example, our recent blog post: “Why Insurer Financials Matter to Policyholders”). There’s no question that the medical malpractice insurance business is volatile, but MLMIC’s record of service and stability within the medical professional liability insurance (MPLI) marketplace goes back more than four decades.
Still, it remains important for MLMIC policyholders to understand how the insurance industry works in New York State and how changes in the marketplace relate to your own insurance coverage and level of exposure. Recent media reports are helping to educate the public and healthcare professionals about how marketplace regulations impact everything from premiums to liability.
In fact, the latter is what Fierce Practice Management has observed in its coverage of the Politico New York piece: “Physicians face more malpractice exposure in New York State’s market.” An attorney quoted in both articles expressed concern that doctors don’t have adequate protection. While MLMIC can’t speak to the coverage of our competitors, we can assure our policyholders that MLMIC’s level of protection remains unchanged. We continue to provide exceptional coverage, a strong risk management program and high quality legal counsel.
Of course, we’ll keep you informed as these developments progress. If at any time we feel there is information that impacts you immediately or directly, we will guide you through it. In the meantime, if you have questions, we’re here to help. Please contact us anytime.
Related posts:
- Are You Exposed if Your Insurer Becomes Insolvent?
- MLMIC’s Q3 Statement Shows Sound Financial Condition
- MLMIC Policyholders to Receive 20 Percent Dividend
- 7 Questions You Should Be Asking About Your Medical Liability Insurance
MLMIC’s 2015 Annual Report Now Available
MLMIC’s 2015 Annual Report has been published and is available now on our website.
MLMIN Announces 20% Dividend
Our mission is to provide insurance at cost, without a profit motive. To offset premiums, we offer dividends to our policyholders whenever we can. This year, MLMIC policyholders will receive a 20% dividend. To take advantage of this dividend, you simply need to be insured by May 1, 2016, and maintain continuous coverage through July 1, 2016.
MLMIC is a mutual insurer, owned by our policyholders. Over the years, our financial strength has allowed us to pay more than $300 million in dividends to our policyholders, something no other insurer can match.
Learn more, visit www.mlmic.com/2016-dividend or call (888) 793-0393.
Mandatory Electronic Prescribing Deadline Poses Concerns for Some Hospitals and Providers
MLMIC posts information on its blog to assist policyholders in complying with the e-prescribing mandate. In addition, we want to share with you a new article about the challenges New York providers face regarding the pending implementation date.
How to Prepare for “I-STOP” Mandatory E-Prescribing
Mandatory e-prescribing of all prescription medication, controlled substances and non-controlled substances, takes effect in New York State on March 27, 2016. All practitioners need to be familiar with the requirements of this law.
Michael J. Schoppmann Joins MLMIC’s Service Company
MLMIC announces the appointment of Michael J. Schoppmann, Esq. as President of our service company subsidiary. Schoppmann’s long history of protecting doctors in New York State will contribute to the superior protection, sound defense and active risk management we offer all of our insureds.
What to Do When Patients Record Conversations with Their Physicians
The use of cell phones by patients and families for the purpose of recording conversations with their healthcare providers is a topic of serious concern to many physicians. Recordings made without provider knowledge are at the least disconcerting and may have a negative impact on the physician-patient relationship. Conversely, the recording of the informed consent discussion, patient education and/or discharge instructions by patients may be viewed as an adjunct to improving the patients’ knowledge and understanding of their health and healthcare.
The following article from the ECRI Institute’s Risk Management Reporter explores these issues in detail: “Covert Affairs: Recording Conversations in Physician Offices.”
Better Communication during Care Transitions May Reduce Readmissions
Ineffective communication and transfer of patient information has been associated with medical errors, patient harm and patient dissatisfaction.
Consider Liability Risks Before Permitting Individuals to “Shadow” Physicians
Before responding to a request to allow a high school or college student shadow you at an office or facility, consider the medical liability and patient safety risks.
Does Better Communication with Patients Result in Fewer Lawsuits?
Good relationships with patients are important not only to patient health but also, according to the article’s author, “Doctors sued most often were complained about by patients twice as much as those who were not, and poor communication was the most common complaint.”
PICC Line Concerns
It is the obligation of the original treating physician to appropriately follow up with the patient to arrange for removal of the PICC line.
Special Edition of Dateline: Risks Related to EHR
In response to the increased prevalence of electronic health records (EHR) and some questions about the possible risks, we prepared a Special Edition of Dateline.
5 Traits to Look for in Your Insurer’s Claims Department
The knowledge and expertise of claims department staff is critical when it comes to professional claim handling and obtaining favorable outcomes in New York State.
Medical Liability Mutual Insurance Company (MLMIC) recently announced a 5% dividend for policyholders who are insured by May 1, 2015 and maintain continuous coverage through July 1, 2015. Read more here.