
A coalition of AAP NY Chapters 1, 2 & 3
Thank you to those who have donated during 2016 to help the children in New York State! Carolyn Cleary, MD, FAAP Danielle Laraque-Arena, MD, FAAP Henry Neilley, MD, FAAP Henry Schaeffer, MD, FAAP Warren Seigel, MD, MBA, FAAP Michael Terranova, MD, FAAP Aldina Hodve, MSW
NYS AAP’s Annual Lobby Day Tuesday, March 22, 2016 University Club 141 Washington Avenue Albany, NY (Transportation will be available) REGISTER HERE! AGENDA (Print Flyer) 9:00 am MORNING SESSION Registration & Breakfast Speakers from the Governor’s office and legislature MORNING SESSION – SPEAKERS: Our attendees will learn about the following: Kemp Hannon, Chair, Senate […]
For free copies, e-mail your name, the quantity of booklets and/or posters you would like, and your mailing address to
2015 AAP Council and Section Executive Committees Vacancies AAP Councils and Sections are a great way to get involved at the National level! In 2015 there will be more than 100 vacancies to fill on the council and section executive committees. An executive committee is the leadership body comprised of a chairperson and executive committee […]
American Academy of Pediatrics, District II, New York State Positions on Pending Legislation in New York State Memo of Opposition for A.592 Expanded “Religious” Exemption from Immunization January 17, 2012 Contact: Elie Ward, Director of Policy & Advocacy 518-441-4544 The American Academy of Pediatrics, District II, New York State, representing almost 6,000 pediatricians across […]
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