1 S Mall Arterial
Albany, NY 12207
Come on Along! Come on Along!
Legislators Need to Hear from You One-on-One!
MSSNY’s Annual Physician Advocacy Day Coming Right Up!
Wednesday, March 7th in the Lewis Swyer Theatre in
“The Egg” at the Albany’s Empire State Plaza
Join your colleagues from all around New York State to speak with YOUR LEGISLATORS to ensure they’re making the right choices for you and your patients!
Join us to urge your legislators to:
- Reduce excessive health insurer prior authorization hassles that needlessly delay patient care
- Reduce the high cost of medical liability insurance
- Preserve choice of physician for our patients
- Reject burdensome mandates that interfere with patient care delivery
- Preserve opportunities for our medical students and residents to become New York’s future health care leaders
Following a morning program, you will have a chance to hear from and— more importantly—question New York’s legislative leaders, followed by an informal luncheon where Assemblymembers and Senators are invited to join their constituents.
Please contact your county medical society to coordinate Legislative appointments for physicians to meet with your elected representatives on that day.
To register: Call Nassau County Medical Society 516-832-2300, ext 14
Or contact Carrie Harring at charring@mssny.org.