NYSIIS Temperature Log Training

August 6, 2014 @ 4:00 pm – 5:00 pm
Live Webinar
Nancy Minch, RN

New York State Department of Health
Bureau of Immunization
New York State Immunization Information System (NYSIIS) Temperature Log Training

Vaccines for Children (VFC) program providers will be required to use the NYSIIS Temperature Log for recording VFC vaccine storage unit temperatures beginning January 1, 2015.  For all other providers, use of the Temperature Log is voluntary.

Live Webinar
Presented by
Nancy Minch, RN
Bureau of Immunization

To register, follow these easy steps:

  1. Go to https://meetny.webex.com.
  2. In the box to the left of Search type in “temperature”.
  3. Click on Search.
  4. Look down the Topic list for “New York State Immunization…” and click on Register to the right.
  5. Enter the requested information.
  6. Double check that you typed your email address in correctly!
  7. Click on Register again.

You will receive an email almost immediately from NYS ITS Enterprise Conferencing/messenger@webex.com which confirms your registration.  If you do not receive a return email immediately after registering then you are not registered !

Questions? Contact the Bureau of Immunization at immunize@health.state.ny.us.

The recorded version of this program will be available for viewing within 48 hours of the live airing.  To view the program after that time visit the NYSDOH website:

This live program is sponsored by the NYSDOH Bureau of Immunization.

NOTE: The presentation will be recorded and posted on the NYSDOH Immunization website within 48 hours after the live airing.  Visit our website (www.health.ny.gov/prevention/immunization/providers/webinar_series.htm) after that time to view the recorded version at your convenience.