Pediatric Focused NYS PCMH Webinar

December 11, 2019 @ 7:00 pm – 8:00 pm

Pediatric Focused NYS Patient Centered Medical Home Webinar

Kenneth Bromberg, MD, FAAP
Carolyn Cleary, MD, FAAP
Steven Goldstein, MD, FAAP
Marc Lashley, MD, FAAP
REGISTRATION FEE: There is no charge for members of the NYS AAP – Chapters 1, 2 or 3 to attend.
Hear from Fellow Pediatricians from Across NYS about their experiences with moving toward or actually achieving certification by NYS PCMH.
  • What did NYS PCMH change in their practice?
  • Did they use Technical Assistance? If so, who did they use and how did it go? If not where did they get their help and support?
  • What challenges did they encounter? Which were easy to overcome? Are they still facing challenges in their practice after certification?
  • Did NYS PCMH make their pediatric practice more efficient? What are some positives? Some continuing problems?
  • Did NYS PCMH increase their ability to negotiate for higher rates from MCO’s?
  • Does the practice now have Value Based Payment Contracts?
  • Specific issues they want to share with other practices considering NYS PCMH
New York Pediatricians from four different practices of different sizes from different parts of the state will share their experiences, the good the bad and the ugly and the beautiful.
There will be ample time to ask your questions about NYS PCMH, and how moving toward certification may work for you and your practice.
Join us on Dec. 11th at 7pm!