NYPATH (New York Promoting and Advancing Teen Health) Webinar: The Time Is Now: Providing Adolescent Friendly Sexual & Reproductive Health Care
Erica Gibson, MD and Judy Lipshutz, MSW, RN, NYPATH
Heilbrunn Dept. of Population & Family Health
Columbia University
To register go to: https://www3.gotomeeting.com/register/525584262
This webinar is designed for medical providers who provide healthcare services to adolescents. It will include an overview of key evidence-based practices which streamline reproductive health services for adolescents. Topics include: Quick Start contraceptive initiation, Emergency Contraception, Pregnancy Testing, Long-acting Reversible Contraceptives (LARCS), Expedited Partner Therapy (EPT), and STI Treatment (1 AAFP prescribed CME credit, equivalent to AMA PRA Category 1 will be available)
For more information about NYPATH, go to www.nypath.org
This program was developed with funding provided by the NYS Department of Health, Bureau of Maternal & Child Health, Division of Family Health, C-027009 to Columbia University HDPFH. Its contents are solely the responsibility of Columbia University HDPFH and do not necessarily represent the official views of the New York State Department of Health.